• Employee Preference Optimization

    A typical US company wastes $1500/employee yearly on unappreciated benefits. Discover a smarter approach


    "Employee Preference Optimization: A Strategic Guide" equips HR leaders with the knowledge to craft a cost-effective, impactful total reward strategy that resonates with what employees truly value. This guide provides essential insights into preventing the loss of top talent to competitors by offering better benefits or total rewards and understanding the critical role of non-financial incentives in enhancing employee preferences. It delves into aligning benefits with genuine employee needs, thereby boosting employee engagement. This comprehensive approach ensures that HR leaders are well-equipped to develop a total rewards program that not only meets the needs of the workforce but also drives organizational success.

  • Lead the Talent War: Align Benfits and Total Rrewards to Employee Needs for Enhanced Appreciation


    Discover how to revolutionize your approach to employee total rewards to retain top talent while also saving money. This guide is your key to creating a dynamic workplace where employees feel valued and committed.

    Benefits just mirroring your peers? Employees lose, you bleed budget. Go beyond benchmarks, build a total rewards package that's laser-targeted to your people, and watch engagement and retention explode.

    "Employee Preference Optimization: A Strategic Guide" equips HR leaders with the knowledge to craft a cost-effective, impactful benefits strategy that resonates with what employees truly value. This book provides essential insights into preventing the loss of top talent to competitors by offering better rewards and understanding the critical role of non-financial incentives in enhancing employee satisfaction. It delves into aligning benefits with employee preferences, thereby boosting engagement, retention and productivity. This comprehensive approach ensures that HR leaders are well-equipped to develop a benefits strategy that not only meets the needs of the workforce but also drives organizational success.


    Employee Preference Optimization is an indispensable resource for HR and total reward leaders. Authored by Tim Glowa, an expert in human capital analytics and total reward optimziation, this book presents a revolutionary approach to aligning employee benefits with actual preferences, ensuring every dollar spent on benefits is an investment in employee satisfaction and organizational success. Glowa introduces Employee Preference Optimization (EPO), a strategy that redefines how companies think about employee benefits and total rewards, moving beyond traditional, ineffective methods that waste thousands of dollars are year for every employee by giving things people don't value or appreciate. The book provides a detailed process for implementing a total reward optimization stratgy, focusing on understanding and meeting diverse employee needs while avoiding wasteful spending on underappreciated benefits. Crafting the perfect benefits or total reward package is a strategic investment in today's dynamic market. Attract and retain top performers with the right offerings, boost morale, and watch your ROI soar. It highlights how an effective total rewards program can lead to increased job satisfaction, lower turnover rates, and higher productivity.


    Beyond replicating competitor benefits, the book delves into strategic differentiation, guiding you to craft reward packages that truly resonate with your people. By understanding their unique needs and preferences, you'll unlock a wider spectrum of total rewards, extending beyond traditional compensation to encompass what is unique and meaningful to your employees. This holistic approach ignites employee engagement, fuels productivity, and fosters a thriving, sustainable organization. Ready to unleash the power of total rewards? Get your copy and transform your workforce!

  • Order Today

    Stop throwing money at generic benefits! Unlock the science of Employee Preference Optimization and build reward packages that ignite engagement, retention, and ROI. Buy Employee Preference Optimizationtoday and turn your workforce into your greatest competitive advantage.

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    What are American workers really thinking about? Be the first to know what's driving (or draining) American workers by unlocking insider access to our groundbreaking research on needs, attitudes and opinions of the American (and Canadian!) worker. Plus bonus insights and case studies delivered straight to your inbox. We value your privacy as much as your success, so rest assured your info will never be shared or sold


  • About the Author

    Tim Glowa is a leading authority in human capital analytics with a distinguished career in consulting. His expertise encompasses developing innovative solutions for attracting and retaining talent, particularly during challenging periods like the Great Resignation. Glowa's global impact is evident through his strategic advisory roles to C-suite executives and board directors, as well as through his prolific thought leadership, which includes frequent media interviews and conference presentations worldwide.


    A trailblazer in the application of conjoint analysis within Human Resources, Tim Glowa pioneered the Employee Preference Optimization approach. His groundbreaking work has reshaped how organizations from various sectors, including Nike, The Home Depot, Prudential, UPS, The Cleveland Clinic, Levi's, McDonald's, American Express, Credit Suisse, Jack in the Box, Canadian Tire, Qantas, Reliant Energy, Centerpoint Energy, Wal-Mart, University of Virginia, The Cheesecake Factory, and many others, align their strategies with employee preferences.


    His influence extends beyond consulting, as he is a sought-after speaker at international conferences and a frequently cited expert in major media outlets like the Wall Street Journal, CNBC, NPR, The Washington Post, Barron’s, Fast Company, Forbes, CFO Magazine, NBC, Bloomberg, Harvard Business Review, and Newsweek, among many others, making him a prominent thought leader in the field of human capital analytics.


    Available for consulting and guidance, Tim Glowa offers his deep expertise to organizations seeking to harness the power of Employee Preference Optimization. Whether it's through tailored consulting services or over-the-shoulder guidance on running these studies independently, his wisdom is an invaluable asset for any team aiming to refine their benefits strategy and align with the true needs and desires of their workforce.

  • Blog

    "Culture eats strategy for lunch." These words from management guru Tom Peters resonate deeply in...
      As the author of "Employee Preference Optimization," I have dedicated my career to...